#pam x philip
aronair · 2 years
I wanna draw Pam and Philip so much but I don't have any ideas 😩
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gayandpanicked · 12 days
Idiots do fall in love too
Stardew Valley Fanfiction (Ridgeside Village mod)
Pairing: female Reader x Philip
Wordcount: 3k something
Rating: Mature (but not explicit, although with very obvious sexual contents)
Synopsis: Reader catches a crush on Philip but is a little stupid about it. With happy ending.
Warning: sexual content, fluff, minors dni
(Some typos possible, will correct them some day)
When you moved into the valley you were incredibly overwhelmed. Although you were used to many people in Zuzu City, it was something incomparable.
In Zuzu you knew 2 colleagues by name and were surrounded by hundreds of people every day that you were glad to ignore. Now you were facing around 20 or 30 peers at best, but you were supposed to know all of them.
Lewis and Lenny were very active in introducing you to both the residents of Pelican Town and Ridgeside Village. You were invited to several events and happenings where you felt awkward and left out. And as your eyes shifted nervously around, your gaze suddenly fell upon blond hair and a beautiful smile.
During your first flower dance you noticed him. Philips calm demeanor immediately had you captivated. He was like an oasis in the desert for your anxiety. Many people talked to him and he handled them effortlessly. His shoulders were never tensed up like yours when someone new approached him. From time to time you noticed a joyful sparkle in his eyes and gentle wrinkles around his grinning mouth. On other occasions his brows furrowed slightly and his hands pierced forward in an attempt to assist someone in need of help.
When his open gaze suddenly crossed your growing admiration, you flinched and quickly turned around, feeling as if you finally awoke from a dream too sweet to let go. Confused you looked into your empty cup with punch. Your face was hot. Maybe you had a bit too much? You didn’t remember yourself to be a lightweight but if Pam or Shane had their hands on the drinks there was a possibility that it was simply a tad bit too strong for y—…
„Excuse me ma‘am?“
The air was sucked out of your lungs. Every muscle of your body tensed up and you had to consciously remind yourself to breathe, before slowly, shyly turning around. Something about his aura was too dazzling, as if he was living in another dimension from you. It seemed unreal that Philip would actually come over and talk to you out of all people. You heartbeat quickened as if it was attempting to win a race. Did he notice you were staring?
„H-hi“, you stuttered and quickly cleared your throat, before attempting to speak again. „I— I am the new farmer… In Pelican Town. The one n-next to the bus stop.“ Somehow you desperately wanted to explain yourself. As if trying to say that you‘re not a creep or something. But clearly you made it worse.
In your mind you prayed to Yoba to open a hole in the ground for you to burry yourself in. But nothing of that sorts happened. Instead Philip smiled.
„My pleasure. I am Philip, a physical therapist working in Town.“ You nodded quickly as if that was new information to you although Lenny already told you a lot about him during a short visit in Ridgeside. „Sorry for approaching you like that. I noticed you staggering a bit and I just wanted to make sure that you were fine.“
Your eyes widened. „Staggering?“ Once again you looked into your cup. Maybe it really was all just the alcohol in the end. What a relief! With a content sigh you too showed a clumsy smile and shrugged your shoulders a little.
„I think I had too much… But I am alright, thank. I will stop drinking now…“
Philip huffed in a little laugh and nodded. „That‘s good then. If you‘re feeling somehow uncomfortable, please don’t hesitate to ask for help. I… tend to be a bit of a busy body, I can‘t seem to stop working entirely.“ He scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment under you wanted to melt at how sweet this boy was. And now that you realized you were drunk you allowed yourself to crush a little on this man.
With a dreamy smile you mustered his pretty cheeks now coloring in a soft pink. „Sounds good“, you whispered. „When I need someone to save me I‘ll come… looking for you.“ You chuckled slightly before being interrupted by an important thought. „But you too! I mean, if you need saving and eh… if you don‘t have someone to save you yet then… I eh… Farmers are strong…?“
You couldn’t guess yourself what it was that you tried to say. Flirting was far from your strong point. But Philip simply showed you a dazzling grin.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
From that day on he crossed your paths more often than before. Or you simply were more aware of him?
Philip always made sure to greet you. Butterflys were born in your core every time his dreamy smile found your eyes and his honey coated voiced called out to you. At first you felt weird. But pretty quickly you noticed that his grinning „ma‘am“ did a lot more for you than you anticipated…
He whispered it into your ear in the middle of the night when you were alone in your cabin with nothing but your fantasy.
„You called for me, ma‘am?“, his imaginary voice chuckled, as your hand transformed into his, slowly caressing your heaving chest. „You called me in the middle of the night. I came as soon as I heard your heavy breath.“ You moaned at the fantasy of his long fingers squeezing your breast. Something resembling a doctor role play manifested in your mind, his fingers thoroughly examining you.
It didn’t took you long to fill your cabin with obscene squelching sounds when your fingers entered your core over and over again as you clawed yourself into your soft flesh. „Oh god… Yoba… Please Philip…“
What could he do to your body? In what positions could he gently guide you? Would he be soft or rough? It didn’t matter to you. You wanted to be ravaged by him so badly. You were a moaning mess as you tossed around, pushing your face into your pillow, raising your hips as if you were giving him access to take you roughly from behind while frantically pumping your fingers inside of you.
„Aren‘t you doing so good, ma‘am?“ You felt dizzy with lust, you drooled into your pillow as you finally came undone with a desperate gasp for air. Your hips still shuddered, your legs trembling. And after slowly coming down from your high you let your body fall numbly into the mattress. Sweat was dripping down your forehead and it took you quite some time to finally catch your breath.
When the clarity crept back into your consciousness and you were crushed by the realization of what you just did, you let out a loud groan and pushed your face further into your pillow. „Fuck… I am so screwed…“, you whined. „I am a pervert. A fucking creep…“ You tried to imagine how you were supposed to look Philip in the eyes now. „Shit…“
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Just as you thought the following days were torturous whenever you found yourself face to face with the beautiful physical therapist. When he called ma‘am now you could feel his voice prickling on your skin. Your face was heating up helplessly, when his eyes were fixed on you and you felt like a stuttering mess.
The worst thing about it all: you were absolutely certain that he was not interested in you. Not in the slightest. So you desperately tried to suppress your crush as you slowly got to know him and growing closer to him. In a completely platonic way. And way too quick you stopped hearing him calling you ma‘am with only your horny fantasies left to purr it into your ear.
„Here you are! I‘ve been looking for you everywhere!“ The excited young man came running up to you as you were tending the farm. You were just about to plant some new seeds, being bent over your field as Philip came to a hold. You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand and pulling the garden gloves from your fingers as you smiled up at him. Your hair was in a messy ponytail, getting lose from work. Philip has seen you in similar fits quite some times already so you convinced yourself to stop minding.
You laughed with a confused frown. „You looked for me everywhere and decided to check my farm last?“ Philip was clenching a little package in his hand and he took a while to answer. You felt him mustering you up and down, as he often did. Your guess was that he was checking for any injuries or something similar. He was incredibly caring and truly a busy body through and through.
„I…“ He shook his head and cleared his throat as if to force himself to concentrate. „I wanted to come here straight on but as I passed Pieres and the community center I decided to check for you there. Just for efficiency.“ You nodded.
„Sounds smart. Well now you found me. What do you have there?“ Quickly he extended his hand with the little package.
„I just got the new issue of IncrediMan delivered! Do you want to check it out together?“
A loving sigh left your lips, as you couldn’t help the grin growing in your face, looking up at him. Look at him being so passionate and so happy. At first you were surprised finding out that he was a bit of a nerd. But after getting to know him better it fit him perfectly and you thought of it as adorable. You wanted to peck his face all over with kisses when he came running to you, beaming like this.
„I‘d love to. But I still have some work to do before it gets too late. Would you mind waiting for a bit? Or you could already read it here and I‘ll join you when I am ready?“
Philip was clearly conflicted. His eyes jumped from your face to the package and back. „I— I am really stoked for that issue and if it‘s fine with you I‘d start it already. Are you sure though I am not bothering you if I stay here for that?“
You grinned happily and quickly shook your head. „You‘re never a bother. I love having you here. Please make yourself comfortable. I‘ll hurry.“
Again Philip took some time to answer, just looking at you. You never noticed how longingly he stared at you. In your mind it was just him being lost in thought, so you just waited patiently for his reply.
„Deal“, he finally smiled at you and headed towards your porch, making himself comfortable on the bench you placed there. Soon your cat joined the man cuddled up to him, earning herself some pets. Every time you looked up from your work and let your eyes find him, you couldn‘t help to feel a bit envious. What would you give to cuddle up to him like this too…
The evening hours approached quicker than you thought and soon dawn fell upon you. When you were finally ready you slipped past Philip who was completely lost in his comic, took a warm shower, changed your clothes to something comfortable and fresh and took two beers from the refrigerator before sneaking up to the blond man. Grinning you leaned slightly against him from behind gently holding the cold can against his throat.
Immediately Philip tensed up, jumped a little even and you chuckled. „I am ready“, you singsang and came around to fall down next to him, stretching out your naked legs that stretched into a pair of dark booty shorts.
„H-huh?“, Philips eyes widened and he couldn’t tear his eyes from you. Not from the top hugging your chest or your wet long hair framing your flushed face. „You—…“ He turned around to look into the cabin behind him before turning around to face you again.
„You took a shower“, he said, somewhat high pitched and yet as if he wasn’t sure about it. You blinked at him in confusion and tilted your head slightly to the side. You still held the two cans of beer in your hands and issued him to take his.
„Yeah, I have? Do you prefer me to stink after a long day of work?“ Why was he reacting this way? You couldn’t quite grasp the mood. „Are you alright?“
Philip laughed almost mechanically, before stopping all at once and shaking his head. He opened his can of beer and gulped down half of it before leaning back and trying to collect his demeanor.
„Yeah, I— Look, I know of the possibility of making this awkward and I really tried not to! But you make it incredibly hard to not get my hopes up.“
His ears turned red. The issue of IncrediMan was laying next to him and he held the beer can with both hands. And you… you looked at him in utter confusion.
„Getting your… hopes up?“, you asked. And very very slowly the understanding of what might be happening here was beginning to fill your mind. And from one second to the next your face was cooking and you turned beet red. Suddenly you felt self conscious with the amount of skin you were showing and you fumbled slightly with you shorts.
„So uh—… do you… You‘re hoping… What I mean is…“, you begann stuttering and now it was Philip looking up, admiring you fidgeting next to him, hiding away your blushing face and seemingly panicking. He pressed his lips together, took a deep breath and extended his hand to awkwardly hover over you.
„Are you… Would you allow me to touch you?“ Your eyes widened and you frantically bobbed your head. Yoba, you were fantasizing of him touching you for months! Of course you‘d allow him. With a smile he gently brought his fingers up to your scalp and stroke the wet strands of hair out of your face. You felt like a bunny, wanting to run away from a possible threat but also wanting to… make your fantasies a reality.
Philip just look at you squirming under his touch, fighting for control. „Yoba, you‘re so beautiful“, he breathed full of adoration. Your heart skipped several beats just to catch up to them in a second.
You whined slightly, melting under his warmth. „I— uh… I thought you uh… didn’t see me like that and I… Do you… I mean—…? Ugh I am so sorry… I am such a mess.“
Philip laughed. „Yeah you are. But you‘re making me a mess in the process too. I was infatuated with you for a year now… since the flower dance. I saw you staring at me. You were so obvious, so incredibly cute and yet so innocently oblivious. I had good intentions coming over to you, but very bad ones leaving you…“
Your breath was caught in your lungs, your whole body shut down, listening to his deep voice, seducing your very being. You leaned closer to him as if his personal gravity was pulling you in.
„You noticed?“
Philip grinned and nodded.
„I noticed. But I wasn’t a hundred percent sure of how deep your… interest in me actually was. And if you liked me or you just really liked being called ma‘am.“
You gasped, your eyes big in shock. „No way! You noticed even that? How? What did I do? I tried to hide it so hard.“ You pouted, feeling discouraged, still not full grasping where this conversation was going. Not fully realizing that you have put away the can and leaned forward on your hands that were placed between you, being only inches away from his face.
The blond man was unsure how to answer at first. How to proceed in this situation. He knew you were putty in his hands and he desperately searched for his will to behave and not let his mind wander, seeing you so deliciously willing like this.
He brought his hand forward that was still lost in your strands and gently pushed against the plush of your red lips. „Your cheeks turned red every time I called out to you. Your bottom lip started trembling until you sucked it in, looking at me from under your lushes as if you just confessed to dirty little crime that you committed. Your eyes went a bit hazy and you couldn’t stop sighing when you thought I didn’t look at you anymore, being all lost in the clouds.“
That was too much for you. Too close to all of your fantasies. You pursed your lips in reflex and pushed them against his thump. You furrowed your brows as you started placing little kisses over his fingers, over to his knuckles, to the sides of his wrist. He sharply sucked in his breath, watching you with a growing hunger.
„You‘re so mean, Philip…“, you whined. „I was feeling so bad. And I tried so hard to keep my… desires to myself. I was dying on my crush for you and you knew all along. You‘re such a tease.“
You were drunk of him. His scent was tickling your nose and you worshipped his stretched out hand, letting your lips draw over his veins, sucking slightly on his skin, taking in his taste. Oh god you liked him so much. You opened your mouth, letting your tongue lick over his thumb.
Something in his head snapped. His fingers gripped around your throat and at first you gasped in surprise, thinking for a split second you did something wrong. But as he pulled you closer, directing your gaze to look him in the eyes you shuddered. His normally shining, glistening eyes were burning into your soul. You quickly got used to his grip and found yourself comfort in his gentle forcefulness.
„I planned several dates ahead“, he growled slightly. „I wanted to offer up my arm for you to cuddle up to me. I imagined how I‘d take your hand for the first time. How I‘d kiss your lovely smile…“ The tingling sensation for butterflies exploded once again in your stomach. He was thinking of all these things? He meant it, he actually liked you!
He smiled, but it felt strained as if he had to force every single muscle to obey him. „But right now I‘d like to skip all of that and keep it for another day. Is that what you want as well?“ Skipping… Skipping the steps… You blinked up at him, your fuzzy brain had difficulties processing his words, until you gasped.
„Do you want to…?“, your voice was nothing more than a whisper. „You mean… dirty stuff?“
Philip frowned, taking a deep breath, shaking, nodding. „Yes. I‘d love to do some very, very dirty stuff with you.“ - „Me too!“, you answered quicker than you anticipated, nodding. „Yes, yes, yes, please.“
Philip smirked.
His lips crashed against yours, catching you in a hungry kiss. It was sloppy, open mouthed and greedy. Then you both suddenly switched to soft, and gentle, hugging his lips with yours before getting lost in a fight of tongues all over again.
Your breath was heavy. The air leaving his lips was the essence of your life. You swallowed all the little sighs he slipped into your mouth and you repaid him with breathless moans. He snaked his arms around you and you were the one climbing on his lap to be closer. To feel him.
You both were so lost in each other. While his hands roamed carefully over your body, yours grabbed him, teared his clothes out of the way to feel his warm skin underneath your fingertips.
He carried you inside when it was apparent that both your clothes were too much to handle sticking to your bodies right now. Philip put you gently down. You pulled him with you. You both were so hungry for each other, only letting up for seconds to catch your breath before clashing together again.
You pushed him down and climbed on top of him, letting your hands crawl down to his hips, wanting to touch, taste and swallow his pleasure. But Philip quickly turned you around, hovering over you and taking a moment to grin at how eager you were. You both were left in your underwear and he admired your beautiful body before something mischievous appeared in his eyes again.
„You‘re so beautiful tonight, ma‘am.“
Your eyes widened and his words resonated deep within you, reaching your core, screaming for him. „W-what?“
Philip grinned and buried his nose in the crook of your neck. „I think I am losing control at your beauty. Purse those lovely lips of yours and tell me how to please you best, ma‘am.“ He looked deep into your soul. „Pretty please?“
You felt like a fish gasping for air. All of your fantasies somehow becoming real right in front of you. The shame, the embarrassment and the unbearable desire washed over you. You felt like cumming just from your pantie giving you the tiniest friction. Pearls of sweat were coating your body and pouted at him, clearly indicating it was your turn to be pleased first.
A whine left your lips. „I… That‘s not fair. Why am I the first?“ Although you really longed to feel good and to be ravaged by this man, you first wanted to experience him. How he whimpered, if he was vocal or let his body talk. You needed to see him washed over in bliss. But—
His hand reached down for your thigh, boring his fingers into your flesh and you yelped. „Because I am your guest right now, am I not? Let me show my gratitude for your generous invitation.“ He leaned down, pushed your legs open and kissed down your belly until his lips reached the hem of your panty. „Use your voice, ma‘am“, he purred against the twitching center of your lust and you moaned his name.
„That‘s so embarrassing…“, you whined, before your fingers gently snaked into his blond strands. „Devour me, please? Take me with a little force, please. Push me into several positions, make me take you all the way down and pound into me as hard as you‘d like. I want my body to remember you tomorrow, to remind me of right now every time I take a step or sit down. Make me cum so oft I cry, please. Please, is that alright? Please?“ Your face was the deepest shade of red it could reach, you were lightheaded from all the blood rushing into your head.
Philip was frozen for a second, staring at you with a mix of adoration and disbelief. „You are… Fuck. You‘re so perfect!“ He quickly came back up to you to give you a deep loving kiss, over and over again before leaning his forehead against yours. „I will make you feel the best. Today, tomorrow and every day after that.“
While he said those words he pushed your leg up, getting down on you again, pulling away your slip to fulfill every one of your wishes.
You giggled slightly.
„Deal!“, you agreed, before throwing your head back with a surprised moan that filled your cabin.
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Idk if you’re a fan of the office but your posts remind me so much of the episode where Pam finds out Micheal is dating her mom and i love that so so much 😂
even if you aren’t a fan, you NEED (if you want to ofc) to watch that clip, same energy 🤣
Ah, I've seen a bit of it (The Office) before, but I never fully followed the series, BUT AAA, OMG, YOU'RE SO RIGHT, ANON!! 😂 🤣 😂 🤣
(I'm assuming you're talking about the Camilip [Camila x Beardo Philip] and Camielos [Camila x Belos] posts.
If so, LOL! XD.
Luz is Pam, and Michael is definitely Beardo Philip or Belos [I'm going more towards Belos because of how Micheal is acting, lmao].)
Tagging: @talisman975.
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lau-and-history · 9 months
Books of 2023
Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie
Die Dorfschullehrerin (Duology) by Eva Völler
Die rätselhaften Honjin-Morde by Seishi Yokomizo
The Man who died Twice by Richard Osman
Die Abenteur des Apollo (Series) by Rick Riordan
The Age of Darkness: Das Ende der Welt by Katy Rose Pool
The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
Before the Coffee gets Cold. Tales form the Café by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Maher
Ariadne by Jennifer Saint
The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Shehan Karunatilaka
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
Three Act Tragedy by Agatha Christie
The Bullet that missed by Richard Osman
Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
Before your Memory fades by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan
Victory City by Salman Rushdie
The Penelopiad by Margret Atwood
He who drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan
Audio Books
Der grillende Killer by Chang Kuo-Li
Butter by Asako Yuzuki
Die Tribute von Panem X: Das Lied von Vogel und Schlange by Suzanne Collins
Der Pfirsichgarten by Melissa Fu
Wie viel von diesen Hügeln ist Gold by C Pam Zhang
Die Drei ??? und die rätselhaften Bilder by William Arden
Die Tage in der Buchhandlung Morisaki by Satoshi Yagisawa
Mortal Engines (Quadrology) by Philip Reeve
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
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canonfatbisexualenby · 10 months
❄️Drabblecember Day 7 + 10❄️
❄️Snowed In/Stuck Inside + Sleeping In☃️
(Prompts by @eternally-smitten)
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Pairing: Sara X Pam B.eesly
Word Count: 724
A/N: Went with a more ‘loose’ interpretation of the prompt(s) for this one 😅
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Sara heard the whistling of wind through the windows and slowly opened her eyes.
The miniature television was on in the kitchen playing the news. Sara stretched, yawning and looking around her makeshift ‘room’ that also functioned as the living room most of the time.
Pam walked in humming and carrying a novelty Christmas mug of what Sara assumed to be tea. “Hey there sleepyhead.” she chuckled. Sara gave a sheepish grin and yawned again, still only half awake.
Sara suddenly heard Cece run into the living room, crawling up on her bed. “No school!” she shouted. She bounced on the bed a little until Pam shot her the ‘don’t’ look. Sara laughed and fixed her bed head as best as she could with just her hands.
“So I’m guessing the blizzard hit pretty hard last night?” Sara asked. Pam nodded “8 inches. They’ve cancelled school and work for most people.”
Sara was delighted she wouldn’t have to work, even if the day did mostly just consist of shoveling snow, keeping the kids properly entertained and sleeping.
Jim walked in with Phillip in his arm, carrying his own festive cup of coffee in the other. “I see everyone’s up and at ‘em.” He smiled and sipped.
The wind whipped around them and snowflakes stuck to their hair as the Halpeesly family entered back indoors from a decent length snowball fight and snowman building session. Sara had brought out her Polaroid to take a few photos and was currently cradling a snapshot of the snowman in question in her mittened hands.
As they entered the toasty house, Pam let out a big yawn. “That snowball fight tired me out more than I thought it would.” She shut the door behind them and yawned again.
Jim grabbed Philip from Pam as Cece trailed behind him. “Why don’t I lay the kids down for a nap and you and Sara can chill for a minute.” He smiled and leaned over to give Pam a kiss on the cheek.
She smiled back and nodded, her eyes appearing to be a bit heavy. Sara felt her own mouth form into a yawn, the warm air making a nap sound that much better.
“Oh no, you’ve caught my sleepiness.” Pam said to her, chuckling quietly. Sara laughed back as Pam pulled her in for a quick embrace. “How did the photo turn out?” she asked, wrapping her arms around Sara’s waist and placing her head on her shoulder. “As good as possible I hope.” She handed the square photo to Pam, who held it so they could both look.
Peering back at them was a moderately sized, lumpy snowman with black button eyes and an Eagles ball cap. Sara let the kids use some of her old accessories to decorate as well. His black and red gingham scarf, green heart earring nose and ‘stylish but work appropriate’ cardigan had all belonged to her in the past.
“It’s like our collective little snow baby.” Pam replied. Sara chuckled, squeezing Pam slightly.
They entered the main bedroom, aka Pam & Jim’s room. Pam took off her winter wear, as did Sara. They both helped each other get their boots off.
Pam sat on the bed and sighed tiredly. Sara looked over and smiled. Pam looked at her and smiled back, laying down and getting comfortable. She patted the space next to her.
“Are you sure?” Sara asked quietly, eyebrows raised.
Pam nodded “Of course, come on.” She patted again, this time more eagerly.
Sara gingerly walked over, awkwardly placing herself onto the bed. Pam laughed and pulled her in for a cuddle.
Their foreheads touched and Sara felt her face flush.
“I’m really glad you’re back.” Pam said, placing her hand on Sara’s face. She rubbed her thumb gently. Sara nodded and placed her own hand on top of Pam’s. “Me too.” She responded quietly.
“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Beesly.” Pam shut her eyes and hugged. Sara laughed and shut her own eyes. “Merry Christmas Mrs. Halpeesly.” she whispered back.
Before she knew it they were both asleep. When she awoke a few hours later she noticed the lamps had been turned off and a quilt now laid on top of them. Sara smiled, knowing it was Jim’s doing. She curled close to Pam and let them sleep for just a few moments more.
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Taglist 🏷 (if you’d like to be added or removed please don’t hesitate to ask): @gideongrovel @deadlock
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jimmymcgill · 1 year
what’s your top 10 female characters of all time? and top 10 ships?
favourite female characters: dolores abernathy - kim wexler - fatmagül - dana scully - leslie knope - yennefer of vengerberg - lara croft - sadie adler - cortana - amicia de rune
favourite ships: jimmy × kim - mulder × scully - jane x lisbon - geralt x yennefer - tahir × farah - philip x elizabeth - teddy x dolores - tom x shiv - ben x leslie - jim x pam
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diamondempp · 2 years
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philip, pam, and water :P
i cant stop drawing them and no i will not stop
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dominik528 · 4 years
What I read in 2020, from worst to best
1. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng - ★☆☆☆☆ (review)
2. Rules of Civility by Amor Towles - ★☆☆☆☆ (review)
3. Love Traveling by Hitomi- ★☆☆☆☆
4. The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory - ★★☆☆☆ (review)
5. The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo - ★★☆☆☆
6. Trinkets by Kirsten Smith - ★★☆☆☆
7. The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros -★★☆☆☆
8. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson - ★★☆☆☆
9.The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick - ★★☆☆☆
10. Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple - ★★☆☆☆
11.Avenue of Mysteries by John Irvings - ★★☆☆☆
12. The Expatriates by Janice Y.K. Lee - ★★★☆☆ (review)
13. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - ★★★☆☆ (review)
14. The Complete Peanuts, Vol. 10 (1969 - 1970) by Charles Schulz - ★★★☆☆ (review)
15. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden - ★★★☆☆ (review)
16. Kill the Boy Band by Goldy Moldavsky - ★★★☆☆ (review)
17. Alphabet of Dreams by Susan Fletcher - ★★★☆☆ (review)
18. Girls on Fire by Robin Wasserman - ★★★☆☆ (review)
19. Archenemy by Frank Beddor - ★★★☆☆
20. Finally & 13 Gifts by Wendy Mass - ★★★☆☆
21. No One to Trust by Melody Carlson - ★★★☆☆
21. Girl in the Train by Paula Hawkins - ★★★☆☆
22. Empress of the World by Sara Ryan - ★★★☆☆
23. On the Come Up by Angie Thomas - ★★★☆☆
24. 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson - ★★★☆☆
25. Clueless: Senior Year by Amber Benson - ★★★☆☆
26. This Book is Not Yet Rated by Peter Bognanni - ★★★☆☆
27. The Summer of Jordi Perez by Amy Spalding - ★★★☆☆
28. Blue is the Warmest Color by Julie Maroh - ★★★☆☆
29. Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote- ★★★☆☆
30. Bone Gap by Laura Ruby - ★★★☆☆
31. Lilac Girls by Martha Kelly - ★★★☆☆
32. The DUFF by Kody Keplinger - ★★★☆☆
33. Eggs by Jerry Spinelli - ★★★☆☆
34. Dumplin' & Puddin' by Julie Murphy - ★★★☆☆
35. The Body by Stephen King - ★★★☆☆
36. L: Change the World by M - ★★★☆☆
37. Sadie by Courtney Summers- ★★★☆☆
38. The Graveyard Shift by Neil Gaiman- ★★★☆☆
39. Save the Date by Morgan Matson - ★★★☆☆
40. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick - ★★★☆☆
41. Neil Gaiman's How to Talk to Girls at Parties by Fábio Moon - ★★★☆☆
42. Jughead, Vol. 3 by Ryan North - ★★★☆☆
43. Archie, Vol. 5 by Mark Waid - ★★★☆☆
44. Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 2 by Young Kim, Stephanie Meyer - ★★★☆☆
45. Sôdôk by Sheri Holman - ★★★☆☆
46. Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year by Demi Lovato - ★★★☆☆
47. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah- ★★★★☆ (spoiler review)
48. The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd - ★★★★☆ (spoiler review)
49. Marlene by C.W. Gortner - ★★★★☆ (review)
50. Thomas Jefferson Dreams of Sally Hemings by Stephen O'Connor - ★★★★☆ (review)
51. The Siren by Kiera Cass - ★★★★☆ (review)
52. Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick - ★★★★☆ (review)
53. Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates - ★★★★☆ (review)
54. The Beguiled by Thomas Cullinan - ★★★★☆ (review)
55. The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware - ★★★★☆ (review)
56. Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews - ★★★★☆ (review)
57. Rutta & Kodama, Volumes 1 - 3 by Youko Fujitani - ★★★★☆ (review)
58. Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 1 by Young Kim, Stephanie Meyer - ★★★★☆ (review)
59. The House of Impossible Beauties by Joseph Cassara- ★★★★☆ (review)
60. Harry Potter 1 - 3 by J.K. Rowling - ★★★★☆
61. Esperanza Rising & Becoming Naomi León by Pam Muñoz Ryan - ★★★★☆
62. Sweetest Spell by Suzanne Selfors - ★★★★☆
63. Teen Titans: Raven by Kami Garcia- ★★★★☆
64. Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan - ★★★★☆
65. Blended by Sharon Draper - ★★★★☆
66. Shanghai Girls & Dreams of Joy by Lisa See - ★★★★☆
67. The Complete Peanuts, Vol. 25 (1999 - 2000) by Charles Schulz - ★★★★☆
68. The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street by Susan Jane Gilman - ★★★★☆
69. Jahanara by Kathryn Lasky- ★★★★☆
70. Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn - ★★★★☆
71. Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates - ★★★★☆
72. Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera - ★★★★☆
73. So Far From Home by Barry Denenberg - ★★★★☆
74. Soundless by Richelle Mead - ★★★★☆
75. Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine - ★★★★☆
76. This One Summer by Mariko & Jillian Tamaki - ★★★★☆
77. Archie, Vol. 6 by Mark Waid - ★★★★☆
78. Cut by Patricia McCormick- ★★★★☆
79. Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow- ★★★★☆
80. Jughead, Vol. 2 by Chip Zdarsky- ★★★★☆
81. Reggie & Me by Tom DeFalco - ★★★★☆
82. Radio Silence by Alice Oseman- ★★★★☆
83. Number the Stars & The Giver by Lois Lowry - ★★★★☆
84. Attack on Titan, Vol. 2, 3, 6 & 7 by Hajime Isayama - ★★★★☆
85. Call, Silent Night & Ice Dolls by Hitomi - ★★★★☆
86. Princess Ai, vol. 3 by Courtney Love & DJ Milky - ★★★★☆
87. Attack on Titan, Vol. 1, 4 & 5 by Hajime Isayama- ★★★★★ ( review , review )
88. Princess Ai, Vol. 1 & 2 by Courtney Love & DJ Milky - ★★★★★ (review)
89. Flower by Hitomi - ★★★★★ (review)
8 notes · View notes
uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
Mai 13. Foals – Bataclan 14. Romain Berteau + Claus & Clausen + Borja Flames + Ambeyance (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 14. Erikm & Anthony Pateras + Dieb13 & Burkhard Stangl – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Ramona Cordova + Charlène Darling – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 16. Saudaá Group + Orgue-Paysage – Fondation Cartier 16. Voiski + Myako & Basses Terres + Marylou (RA Paris) – Silencio 16. Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt : "Chronostasis" + Quatuor Impact & Giani Caserotto + Open Women Orchestra (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 17. Crave + Zaltan & PAM + Full Circle + Low Jack + Oko dj + Clara3000 (RA Paris) – Dizonord (gratuit) 17. Ujjaya + Archétype – Salle Icare|Médiathèque (Vélizy-Villacoublay) (gratuit sur résa) 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 17. Jacco Gardner + Chris Cohen + Eerie Wanda + Tonn3rr3 + Discovery Zone (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 17. Hen Ogledd + Faune – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. Inigo Kennedy + Möd4rn + Stephanie Sykes – Rex Club 17. Polar Inertia + Dement3d + Ninos Do Brasil + Lokier + A strange Wedding + Full Circle – La Machine 17. Surgeon + S.Y.R.O.B + DJ Jee + Cénile Technorama – NF-34 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Eliane Radigue : musique (diff.) pour "Continuum" de Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves – Centre Pompidou 18. Planningtorock – Gaîté lyrique 18. Thurston Moore +  HAHA Sounds Collective + L'Éclair + Luis Ake + Domotic + Pantin Plage (dj) (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 18. Croatian Amor + Re:Ni + dj Sacom + Hanah (RA Paris) – Badaboum 18. Brandt Brauer Frick + Collectif sin ~ + Axel Rigaud (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 18. Orphx + Konkurs (Blush Response & Sarin) + Blush Response + O/H – tba 18. Function + dj Deep + Lewis Fautzi – Concrete 19. DJ Sundae + Crystallmess + Betty + Toma Kami (RA Paris) – Concrete (gratuit) 19. Julien Claus – Ancienne Brasserie Bouchoule (Montreuil) (gratuit) 19. Commando Koko + The Soft Rider + We Will Woo ! – L'International 22. Housewives – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Lots in Kiev + Thot + Brusque – Petit Bain 23. 1919 + Guerre froide + Pest Modern + Warum Joe – Gibus 24. Beak> + TVAM – Gaîté lyrique 24. Shonen Knife – Petit Bain 24. Antichildleague + Corps + Geography of Hell – Les Voûtes 24. Othello Aubern + City Dragon + None + Graal – Espace B 24. Felix Kubin & Hubert Zemler + Phuong Dan + RVDS & Best Boy Electric + Ron Morelli – La Station 24. Codex Empire + Dimitri Rivière + Nari Fshr + Sina XX b2b Munsinger – Petit Bain 25. Sydney Valette + Blind Delon + Ruines – Supersonic (gratuit) 25. Xeno & Oaklander + Automelodi + Void Vision – Petit Bain 25. Rebekah + Schwefelgelb + JKS + Regal + Parfait – tba 26. Jérôme Poret – Ancienne Brasserie Bouchoule (Montreuil) (gratuit) 26. New Berlin + Euromilliard – Pointe Lafayette 27. Me Donner + Somaticae + Nani ∞ Guru – Espace B 27. USA Nails + Dead Arms + Cohaagen – ESS'Pace 28. Alice in Chains + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 29. Flotation Toy Warning + Raoul Vignal – Petit Bain 29. Unit Moebius + Scorpion violente + Prettiest Eyes (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 29. Pizza Noise Mafia + Laz (Air Lqd & Lost Sound Bytes) + Bear Bones, Lay Low + Summer Satana + Tav Exotic + La Souris & l'éléphant + DJ Athome (fest. Ideal Trouble) – Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles 29. Big Brave + My Disco + Tu brûles mon esprit – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 30. Cuntre (Lionel Fernandez & Nicolas Mazet) + Couloir Gang (fest. Ideal Trouble) – Le Zorba 30. AnD (dj) + Dyen + Parfait [Blawan + ABSL : ANNULÉ] – NF-34 31. François Bonnet + Knud Viktor + Jim O'Rourke + Florian Hecker (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 31. De Ambassade + Beau Wanzer + Anna Funk Damage + Le Matin + Bernardino Feminielli + Unas + Fiesta en el vecchio (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station
Juin 01. Eryck Abecassis & Reinhold Friedl + Hilde Marie Holsen + Anthony Pateras + Lucy Railton (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 01. Millimetric + Phase fatale + Terence Fixmer + Dersee + Raffaele Attanasio + 14Anger + Arnaud Rebotini & David Caretta – Studio de Lendit (La Plaine-Saint-Denis) 01/02. Metronomy + Laurent Garnier + Ricardo Villalobos + Mr Oizo + Bonobo (dj) + Yves Tumor + Marie Davidson + Pond + Sleaford Mods... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 02. Bernard Parmegiani + Jean Schwarz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 02. Vanishing Twin + Eye (fest. Ideal Trouble) – Lafayette Anticipations 04. Kurt Liedwart + Billy Roisz + Julien Ottavi + Eryck Abecassis – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 05. Shellac – La Maroquinerie 05. Institute + Last Night + The Cherry Bones – L'International 05. Otzeki – Safari Boat 06. Tim Hecker & Konoyo Ensemble + Mondkopf + Kelly Moran (Villette sonique fest.) – Cabaret sauvage 06. Umwelt + Falhaber + VII Circle – NF-34 07. Danny Brown (Villette sonique fest.) – Périphérique 07. Constant Mongrel + Computerstaat + Warm Swords – Espace B 07. Kuss + HDN – La Plage|Glazart 08. Julia Holter + Cate Le Bon (Villette sonique fest.) – Trabendo 08. Deena Abdelwahed + David August + Ross from Friends + Objekt (dj) + Apollo noir (dj) (Villette sonique fest.) – Grande Halle 08. Thurston Moore Group + Modern Men – La Maroquinerie 08. Nova Materia + Maria Violenza + Aïsha Devi + Belmont Witch + Black Midi + Coucou Chloé + Front de cadeaux + Juan Wauters + Krampf (dj) + Musique chienne + Nyoko Dokbaë + Novelist + Shanti Celeste + Szun Waves + Wiki (Villette sonique fest.) – parc de la Villette (gratuit) 09. Fontaines DC + Crack Cloud + Efrim Menuck + Bracco + Mdou Moctar + Corridor + The Messthetics + Warm Drag + Borja Flames + Myako + Zaltan & Oko + Tiger Tiger + Sinkane 09. Stereolab + Jonathan Bree + Anémone (Villette sonique fest.) – Grande Halle 12. The Soft Moon – Safari Boat 12. Rouge Gorge – L'International 12. Matmos + John Wiese – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Minuit Machine + Hørd + Marble Slave – Supersonic (gratuit) 13. Christian Death + Little Nemo – Gibus 13. Fat White Family – Élysée Montmartre 13. The Horrorist + Poison Point + Melania + Philipp Strobel – NF-34 14/15. Jessica 93 + Year of No Light + Hangman's Chair + JC Satan + Vox Low + White Heat (15 ans de New Noise) – Trabendo 15. Karen Gwyer + Gudrun Gut + Dorit Chrysler joue Laurie Spiegel – Gaîté lyrique 15. Ensemble Citrouille + Félicie Bazealire + Foxtrt + Delphine Dora + Manolito + Anna Serra + Sophie Agnet & Olivier Benoit + Trans Aéolian Transmission + Hippie Diktat (fest. Les Oreilles libres) – Théâtre Les Thénardiers (Montreuil) 16. Siglo XX + The Arch – La Maroquinerie 16. Plaid – Petit Bain 16. Vomir + Straub Mocky + Achille + Strie + LV2 + Trans Kabar + Club Sieste (fest. Les Oreilles libres) – Théâtre Les Thénardiers (Montreuil) 18. Simon Whetham + Estelle Schorpp – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 19. Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks – La Gaîté lyrique 21. Anne Clark : perf. pour "Ocean 21" de Maggie Boggaart – Auditorium Saint-Germain 22. The Intelligence + Flatworms – La Maroquinerie 22. LA Witch – Black Star 23. La Pince + Leon + Howdoyoudance + Polar Polar Polar Polar – Cirque électrique 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 26. Cannibale – Safari Boat 26. Caterina Barbieri + SKY H1 – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Pigalle – La Maroquinerie 26. Daniel Menche + Point invisible + Tzii – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Plomb + Perm36 + Pour X raisons – Cirque électrique 28. To Live & Shave in LA + Carrageenan + TTTT – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28/29. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre) ||COMPLET||
Juillet 02. Interpol – Olympia 04. Cat Power + H-Burns (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 05. Klimperei, Sacha Czerwone, David Fenech, Denis Frajerman & Christophe Micusnule – Chair de poule (gratuit) 05. Pantha du Prince + Scratch Massive (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 05. I Hate Models + Jardin + Mount Kimbie + Oktober Lieber + Rodhad + Mor Elian + Olivia... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 05. The B-52's – Olympia 05/06. The Psychotics Monks + La Jungle + Yachtclub + Zombie Zombie + Frustration + Fleuves noirs + Bruit noir + Le Singe blanc + Le Sacre du tympan + Enablers + Os Noctambulos + The Scanners... (fest. La Ferme électrique) 06. Jonsi & Alex Somers jouent "Riceboy Sleeps" (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Helena Hauff b2b DJ Stingray + Jon Hopkins + Motor City Drum Ensemble + Len Faki + Robert Hood + Octavian + The Black Madonna + Clara! + Nicola Cruz... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 07. Jonsi, Alex Somers & Paul Corley : "Liminal Soundbath" (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 07. Ministry – La Machine 07/08. Thom Yorke (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Gossip – Salle Pleyel 08. Melvins – La Plage|Glazart 11. Full of Hell + The Body + Pilori – Gibus 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel 11. Flamingods + Warmduscher + Triptides (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 12. Tomaga + Утро + Tôle froide + Society of Silence + Sharif Lafrey + Elzo (dj) (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 11>13. Kraftwerk (fest. Days off) – Philharmonie 13. The Will Gregory Moog Ensemble (fest. Days off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 13. Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova : "Sequenza" + Apparat (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 13. La Récré (Garage MU fest.) – canal de l'Ourcq 13. Metz + Bo Ningen + Ashinoa + Die Ufer + Panstarrs (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 17. Grand Blanc – Safari Boat 18. Neurosis + Yob – Bataclan
Août 18. The Driver – But Mortemart|Bois de Boulogne 23>25. The Cure + Aphex Twin... (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud 26/27. Patti Smith – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 28. Arnaud Rebotini – Safari Boat
Septembre 05. Oh Sees – Bataclan 12. Blawan – NF-34 14. Clan of Xymox + Plomb – Gibus 14. Danny Elfman & le Grand Orchestre d'Ile-de-France : cinéconcert sur "Alice au Pays des merveilles" de Tim Burton – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Spiral Stairs + Canshaker Pi – Olympic café 23>25. John Cale – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Octobre 05. Nuit de l'orgue avec des œuvres d'Éliane Radigue, Arvo Pärt, Olivier Messiaen, Phillip Glass, Nico Muhly, Jonathan Fitoussi... (Nuit blanche) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie (gratuit) 06. Daughters – La Maroquinerie 08. Sleep – Bataclan 09/10. Ty Segall & Freedom Band – La Cigale 11. New Order – Grand Rex 14. King Gizzard & Tle Lizard Wizard – Olympia 17. Puppetmastaz – Trabendo 18. Dream Syndicate – Petit Bain 19. Sisters of Mercy – Bataclan 19. Pixies – Olympia
Novembre 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ôlafur Atnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 17. Nitzer Ebb – La Machine 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine 26. Wardruna – Olympia
Décembre 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
Février 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale
Mars 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Ensemble Dedalus joue "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
7 notes · View notes
tuseriesdetv · 4 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Mr. Glover & Mrs. Waller-Bridge
Tumblr media
BBC One ha renovado The Split por una tercera y última temporada
HBO Max ha renovado Search Party por una quinta temporada
HBO Max ha renovado Close Enough por una tercera temporada
La octava temporada de Brooklyn Nine-Nine (NBC) será la última
The CW ha descartado la serie Wonder Girl
Noticias cortas
Lucasfilm ha despedido a Gina Carano (Cara Dune) de The Mandalorian por sus declaraciones en las redes.
Curtiss Cook (Douda) será regular en la cuarta temporada de The Chi.
Claire Danes (Homeland, My So-Called Life) sustituye a Keira Knightley como protagonista de The Essex Serpent.
Guy Pearce (Mildred Pierce, Memento) protagonizará Mare of Easttown junto a Kate Winslet. Sustituye a Ben Miles en el papel de Richard Bryan, profesor visitante de escritura creativa que escribió una novela deslumbrante hace veinticinco años. 
Pedro Pascal (The Mandalorian, Narcos) y Bella Ramsey (Game of Thrones, His Dark Materials) protagonizarán The Last of Us. Serán Joel y Ellie.
Carrie Preston (The Good Wife, Claws) será Robbie McClung, abogada defensora de Duntsch (Joshua Jackson), en Dr. Death.
Harry Hamlin (Mad Men, Shameless) y Dylan Baker (The Americans, The Good Wife) serán el presentador Tom Brokaw y el agente del FBI Ed Copak en The Hot Zone. Anthrax.
Jamie Chung (The Gifted, Once Upon a Time) y Oscar Wahlberg (NOS4A2, Manchester by the Sea) serán recurrentes en el revival de Dexter como Molly, una famosa podcaster de Los Ángeles; y Zach, capitán del equipo de lucha del instituto de Iron Lake.
Jasika Nicole (Fringe, The Good Doctor) será recurrente en Punky Brewster como Lauren, la novia de Cherie (Cherie Johnson).
Christina Milian (Soundtrack, The Oath) sustituye a la fallecida Naya Rivera en el papel de Collette en Step Up: High Water.
Hannah Ware (The First, Boss) protagonizará The One. Será Rebecca, CEO fundadora de MatchDNA, una compañía tecnológica que permite a la gente identificar a su pareja ideal con un test de ADN.
Mary McDonnell (Major Crimes, Battlestar Galactica), Adam Arkin (Sons of Anarchy, Chicago Hope), Matthew Glave (Better Things, Angie Tribeca) y Jalen Thomas Brooks (Animal Kingdom) se unen como recurrentes a Rebel. 
Melissa De Sousa (On Becoming a God in Central Florida, Valley of the Dolls) se une a la cuarta temporada de Black Lightning. Será Ana López, jefa de policía.
Adeline Rudolph (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) será Minerva Marble en la quinta temporada de Riverdale.
Yanic Truesdale (Gilmore Girls), Steve Mallory (The Boss, The Happytime Murders), Usman Ally (Nobodies, On Becoming a God in Central Florida), Ana Scotney (Shortland Street, Educators) y Chris Sandiford (What We Do in the Shadows) completan el reparto de God's Favorite Idiot. Serán Chamuel, arcángel nuevo en el pueblo; Frisbee, gerente de nivel medio; Mohsin Raza, que ha elegido una vida íntegra antes que el éxito financiero o una posición de liderazgo; Wendy, generosa y llena de empatía; y Tom, leal e irritante.  
Rob Delaney (Catastrophe), Alice Eve (Iron Fist, Black Mirror) y Edwina Findley (Treme, If Loving You Is Wrong) se unen como recurrentes a The Power.
Angus Macfadyen (Turn, Strange Angel) será Jor-El en Superman & Lois.
Matt Lauria (Friday Night Lights, Kingdom), Paula Newsome (Chicago Med, Barry) y Mel Rodriguez (The Last Man on Earth) se unen al revival de CSI. Serán Josh, Maxine y Hugo.
Rhys Ifans (Berlin Station, Notting Hill), Steve Toussaint (Doctors, Berlin Station), Eve Best (Nurse Jackie, Fate: The Winx Saga) y Sonoya Mizuno (Devs, Maniac) serán Otto Hightower, la mano del rey Viserys (Paddy Considine) y padre de Alicent (Olivia Cook); Lord Corlys Velaryon, conocido como The Sea Snake; la princesa Rhaenys Velaryon, la esposa de Lord Corlys y prima de Viserys; y Mysaria, aliada del príncipe Daemon; en House of the Dragon.
Matthew Willig (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) será recurrente como el luchador Andr the Giant en Young Rock.
Howard Charles (The Musketeers, The Widow) se une como regular a la segunda temporada de Top Boy. Será Curtis, involucrado en una trama de mafias en Liverpool.
Tabitha Brown y Jason Weaver (Smart Guy) se unen como recurrentes a la cuarta temporada de The Chi.
Luke Cook (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Katy Keene) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de Dynasty como Oliver, exnovio de Kirby (Maddison Brown).
Hannah Einbinder será Ava, la joven guionista que Deborah Vance (Jean Smart) es obligada a contratar, en la comedia de HBO Max protagonizada por Smart. Carl Clemons-Hopkins (Chicago Med, The Chi) será Marcus, el jefe de operaciones de Deborah. Kaitlin Olson (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Mick), Christopher McDonald (Thelma & Louise), Paul W. Downs (Broad City, Rough Night), Mark Indelicato (Ugly Betty), Poppy Liu (Better Call Saul), Johnny Sibilly (Pose), Meg Stalter y Rose Abdoo (Gilmore Girls, Parenthood) participarán como invitados recurrentes.
   Nuevas series
Donald Glover (Atlanta, Community) y Phoebe Waller-Bridge (Fleabag, Broadchurch) protagonizarán Mr. & Mrs. Smith, basada en la película de 2005, para Amazon. Cocreada por Glover, Waller-Bridge y Francesca Sloane (Fargo, Seven Seconds), que será la showrunner.
Netflix prepara The Overstory, adaptación de la novela de Richard Powers (2018). Trata sobre un mundo junto al nuestro que es extenso, interconectado, lleno de recursos, inventivo y casi invisible para nosotros. Un puñado de gente aprende a verlo y se ven arrastrados a la catástrofe que se prepara. Escrita por Richard Robbins (Good Girls Revolt, 12 Monkeys). Producida por David Benioff y D.B. Weiss, los creadores de Game of Thrones; y Hugh Jackman (X-Men Origins: Wolverine).
Amazon ha encargado ocho episodios de The Summer I Turned Pretty, adaptación de la trilogía de novelas de Jenny Han (To All the Boys I've Loved Before). Es un drama multigeneracional centrado en un triángulo amoroso entre una chica y dos hermanos. Escrita y producida por Han y Gabrielle Stanton (Haven, The Flash).
Kate del Castillo (La Reina del Sur, Ingobernable), Roselyn Sanchez (Devious Maids, Without a Trace), Sylvia Sáenz (Betty en NY, 100 días para enamorarnos) y Jeimy Osorio (Betty en NY, Celia) protagonizarán Armas de mujer, en la que detienen a los maridos de las cuatro protagonistas por pertenencia a la misma organización criminal, en Peacock. Creada por José Luis Acosta (Sin tetas no hay paraíso, Ana y los 7), escrita y producida por Marcos Santana (La Reina del Sur, Dime quién soy) y dirigida por Enrique Begné (Compadres, Busco novio para mi mujer) y Claudia Pedraza (La Reina del Sur, Decisiones).
Carla Gugino (The Haunting of Hill House, Jett) protagonizará Leopard Skin, en la que una banda de ladrones, tras fracasar en un robo de joyas, se esconde en una casa en la playa donde viven dos mujeres. Completan el reparto Amelia Eve (The Haunting of Bly Manor), Gentry White (UnREAL, Jett), Philip Winchester (Strike Back, Law & Order: SVU), Margot Bingham (She's Gotta Have It, The Walking Dead), Gaite Jansen (Jett, Peaky Blinders), Nora Arnezeder (Riviera, Zoo) y Ana de la Reguera (Goliath, Narcos). Escrita por Sebastian Gutierrez (Jett, Snakes on a Plane). No hay cadena asociada.
BBC One encarga Bloodlands, thriller en el que una nota de suicidio en una coche la recuerda al inspector Tom Brannick (James Nesbitt, The Missing, Lucky Man) un famoso caso antiguo sin cerrar y relacionado con él. Completan el reparto Lisa Dwan (Top Boy), Lorcan Cranitch (Roma, Atlantis), Charlene McKenna (Ripper Street, Death and Nightingales), Ian McElhinney (Game of Thrones, Derry Girls), Lola Petticrew (Dating Amber, Come Home), Chris Walley (The Young Offenders), Michael Smiley (Luther, Death and Nightingales), Kathy Kiera Clarke (Derry Girls), Susan Lynch (Happy Valley, Unforgotten), Peter Ballance (Game of Thrones), Asan N'Jie (Emmerdale Farm, Mount Pleasant), Cara Kelly (Trust Me) y Flora Montgomery (A Very English Scandal). Escrita por Chris Brandon, dirigida por Pete Travis (Project Blue Book, The Jury) y producida por Jed Mercurio (Line of Duty, Bodyguard).
The CW ha encargado un reboot de The 4400. Escrita por Ariana Jackson (Riverdale).
Peacock ha encargado diez episodios de The Best Man, limited series continuación de la película de 1999 y su secuela de 2013. Volverán Morris Chestnut, Melissa De Sousa, Taye Diggs, Regina Hall, Terrence Howard, Sanaa Lathan, Nia Long y Harold Perrineau. Escrita y producida por Malcolm D. Lee, guionista y director de las dos películas.
FOX prepara una serie de animación adaptación del juego Clue (Cluedo).
FOX encarga una comedia de animación ambientada en la Antigua Grecia que seguirá a una familia de humanos, dioses y monstruos que intentan gobernar una de las primeras ciudades del mundo sin matarse entre ellos. De Dan Harmon (Community, Rick & Morty).
HBO Max ha encargado dos temporadas del revival de la serie de animación Clone High. Escrita por Erica Rivinoja (South Park, Borat 2).
HBO Max encarga Velma, serie de animación precuela de Scooby-Doo. Mindy Kaling producirá la serie y pondrá voz a la protagonista.
HBO Max encarga Fired on Mars, comedia ambientada en el campus de una empresa de tecnología en Marte. Basada en el cortometraje animado de Nate Sherman y Nick Vokey. Producida por Pete Davidson (Saturday Night Live).
Spectrum ha encargado doce episodios de Long Slow Exhale, drama en el que la entrenadora de un equipo de baloncesto femenino universitario (Rose Rollins; The L Word, The Catch) se encuentra en medio de un escándalo de abuso sexual. Creada y escrita por Pam Veasey (L.A.'s Finest, CSI: NY).
Amazon desarrolla Oona Out of Order, adaptación de la novela de Margarita Montimore (2020) en la que el día de su decimonoveno cumpleaños una chica se ve dentro de su propio cuerpo pero con cincuenta y cinco años. Escrita y producida por Alice Bell (Offspring, The Beautiful Lie).
Tiffany Haddish (The Carmichael Show, Girls Trip) ha adquirido los derechos del libro Shakespeare's Secret Messiah: The Dark Lady, de Joseph Atwill (2014), para adaptarlo a la televisión. Protagonizará y producirá la limited series, titulada The Bardess, que tratará sobre Amelia Bassano, poetisa veneciana negra y judía que algunos creen que está detrás del trabajo literario de Shakespeare. Escrita y dirigida por Amma Asante (The Handmaid's Tale, Mrs. America) y producida por Akiva Goldsman (Underground, Fringe). Aún no hay cadena asociada. 
La cuarta temporada de Unforgotten se estrena en ITV el 22 de febrero
Genera+ion se estrena en HBO Max el 11 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Paradise P.D. llega a Netflix el 12 de marzo
Country Comfort llega a Netflix el 19 de marzo
Genius: Aretha se estrena en NatGeo el 21 de marzo
Mare of Easttown se estrena en HBO el 18 de abril
La tercera y última temporada de Shrill llega a Hulu el 7 de mayo
La séptima temporada de Good Witch se estrena en Hallmark el 16 de mayo 
Tráilers y promos
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Paradise P.D. - Temporada 3
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aronair · 2 years
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Younger Pam and Philip's design for my fanfic
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woolfcried · 7 years
these are all the ships that i’m already interested in, but i’m open to others. i’m not including ocs on here (besides player characters) because idk who’s down with canon x oc. an asterisk (*) marks that that is the only ship i’m interested in for that character and likely won’t do any others. usually for married characters in canon
anya (anastasia):
arthur curry (dc):
arthur x mera*
arrietty trevelyan (dragon age):
arrietty x cullen
arrietty x iron bull
ari x sera
ari x josephine
ari x cassandra
ari x krem
sera (dragon age):
sera x f!inquisitor
sera x cassandra
dorian pavus (dragon age):
dorian x m!inquistor
cassandra (tangled):
cassandra x rapunzel x eugene
celia bowen (the night circus): 
celia x marco
elphaba thropp (wicked):
glinda x elphaba x fiyero
zinda blake (dc):
zinda x helena
zinda x steve rogers
zinda x hal jordan
zinda x diana prince
zinda x steve trevor
plumette (beauty and the beast):
veronica sawyer (heathers):
jdonica (may be iffy about)
veronica x heather m.
katarina bishop (heist society):
kat x hale
christian (moulin rouge):
christian x satine
eliza doolittle (my fair lady):
eliza x freddy
barbara gordon (dc):
starbat (starfire x babs)
babs x peter parker
yo yoji (the secret series):
cass x yoji
diane nguyen (bojack horseman):
diane x mr. peanutbutter*
elizabeth comstock (bioshock):
nymphadora tonks (harry potter):
tonks x fleur
helga hufflepuff (harry potter):
helga x rowena
helga x godric
leia organa (star wars):
cassian x leia
rowena ravenclaw (harry potter):
rowena x godric
rowena x helga
nerissa (the wolf among us):
bigby x nerissa x snow
ella (ella enchanted):
ella x char
evaan verlaine (star wars):
chris traeger (parks and rec):
chris x ann
katia anderson (professor layton)
katia x clive
tatsu yamashiro (dc):
tatsu x harley
tatsu x jason todd
nino quincampoix (amelie):
velma kelly (chicago):
velma x roxie
dahlia lombard/sole survivor (fallout 4):
dahlia x nick
dahlia x piper
dahlia x danse
dahlia x maccready
cressida cromwell/lone wanderer (fallout 3):
cressida x butch
annie hughes (the iron giant):
dean x annie
the boss (saints row):
shaundi x the boss
kinzie kensington (saints row):
oleg x kinzie
viktor krum (harry potter):
katie bell (harry potter): 
katie x alicia 
katie x oliver
katie x fred
katie x george
theta knight (the diviners)
theta x memphis
cassian andor (star wars):
whatever luke x cassian is called
han x cassian
leia x cassian
garrett (quest for camelot):
kayley x garrett
briar beauty (ever after high):
marian paroo (the music man):
marian x harold
jim halpert/pam beesley halpert (the office):
jim x pam*
vera claythorne (and then there were none):
philip x vera
freddie lyon (the hour):
freddie x bel
evie o’neill (the diviners):
sam lloyd x evie
jericho x evie
marina of thrace (sinbad):
marina x sinbad
proteus x marina x sinbad
marina x proteus
milo thatch (atlantis: the lost empire)
milo x kida
lily wei (the secret series):
lily x owen
isobel martin (the night circus): 
isobel x tsukiko
isobel x marco
brigid tenenbaum (bioshock):
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philanddanxreader · 8 years
Number 50 and you can pick
50.“Please… I need you” Phil X Reader
Work related meetings after hours start out awful. Then after everyone has a few drinks in your system everyone is much easier to deal with. Pam even becomes somewhat loose and fun. The real fun is when the meeting is over and you can have more than a couple glasses of wine. Usually, the main group of your work friends decide to go out and continue the drinking portion of the meeting. Most of the time you get Phil to meet you out at the bar so the two of you can have a bite to eat together and then go home. Tonight was different. Phil was going to be busy all night so you took it as an occasion to really let your hair down.
It all seemed like a good decision until you showed up on Phil’s door step with a broken shoe and the hiccups. You quickly looked at your phone to realise that the last three hours we’re missing in your memory. Phil was probably already sleeping as it was two in the morning. You decided you needed to pull yourself together by rubbing your eyes to try and make your vision less blurry. It didn’t really help as your contacts we’re still in your eyeballs. You sat down on the ground and started to pout. Your eyes now really hurt. The room is spinning and you just felt really lonely. You knew that ringing the bell would wake up Dan and Phil so that wasn’t an option. Knocking was useless because they would never hear you. Just as you were starting to think it was hopeless you remembered you could just call Phil. Genious. You found Phil’s cute face in your phone contacts before pushing on it so he could come save you. It rang for what felt like forever before Phil finally picked up.
“Mmh, Hello.” His voice was soft and croaky.
“Fuck your cute when you’re sleepin. Hey, love.” You placed your free hand over your other ear as if it was a loud club in the hall and not well a hall.
“Where are you?” You could hear Phil moving the blankets as he got up from bed.
“Stop worrying so much. I just need you come and open the front door. My key is most definitely inside.” You could hear Phil have a small laugh as he started his way down the stairs.
“Did you have fun, love?” You waited for yet another hiccup happen before responding.
“I did. Hey, when you get here I’m the one on the floor with the work clothes on.” Just as you finished your remark you heard the door unlock above you with a whoosh of air hitting you as the door opened.
“ Oh, babe I have to go. There is a girl by my front door. I think she’s drunk.” Phil hung up before looking down at his cute drunk mess of a girlfriend.
“Hey, love! Good to see you again.” You looked up raising your arms like a  little kid wanting up.
Phil smirked at you before helping you off of the ground.
‘Did you really break a shoe?” Phil picked up your bag and discarded shoes of off the ground. Before wrapping his free arm around your waist to keep you steady as you walked up the stairs to the washroom.
“Okay let’s get you fixed up a little.” Phil tossed your shoes and purse to the floor in the hall to be dealt with the in the morning. You both went into the washroom to deal with more of your problems.
“You’re a good problem solver. So I have to let you know something.” Phil smiled as he helped you up on the counter.
“What do you need help with doll?” Phil reached around you to find your makeup wipes behind you.
“I’m partially blind as my contacts are still in.” You looked to Phil with puppy dog eyes as he handed over the wipes.
“Love, I’m not putting my finger in your eye.” Phil had a point. Even drunk you knew to maybe not go through with that plan.
“Fine but you owe me.” Phil laughed as he headed for the bedroom to find you something to sleep in and a drink of water. After forever and a day you finally get both of the little contacts out of your eyes. After removing your makeup and putting your hair up you make your way to find Phil. You slowly make your way to the bedroom as quiet as possible. Once inside you find Phil laying in bed with one of his old shirts on your side of the bed with a glass of water where your phone goes on the little table.
“Hey, Philip!” You couldn’t help but trip slightly over your own feet. You were finally coming down from the full-on drunk. Now you were just heavily buzzed.
“Hello, come on in. How are you feeling?” You started to strip down to your underwear before putting on the soft shirt and crawling under the blankets.
“I’m fine. Thanks for saving me in the doorway. You tried to cuddle up to Phil before he pushed you slightly away from him.
“What on earth are you doing?”Phil never denied your cuddles.
“I can’t trust you when you’re drunk. You get kind of. Umm hot to trot.” You couldn’t help but snort
“Who are you? I wasn’t trying to make a move on you I just wanted to cuddle.” If you were being completely honest with yourself you were hoping that something would possibly happen.
“I just don’t trust you or myself. So I’m going to say that you stay on your side and I mine.”
“Please…. I need you.” How was Phil supposed to say no to you now?
“Okay, just a cuddle but that’s it,” you confirmed your happiness with a little yes as you shimmied back into Phil’s chest. “How do you manage to twist my arm so easily?”
“It’s cuz you love me!” turning to place a kiss on Phil’s lips you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. What’s better than a good buzz and a cuddle from the best guy ever.
Completed prompts.
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-22 21 CELEBRITY now
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Megan Fox Gets an Emotional Message About "Picking Up the Pieces" of Her Love Life on Hollywood Medium
Kevin Smith Says He Lost 17 Lbs. in 9 Days With Post-Heart Attack Diet of Just Potatoes
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0 notes
Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market - Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026
Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market By Product Type (Dermatoscopes, Imaging Equipment, Microscopes & Trichoscopes, Biopsy Devices, Others), Application (Skin Cancer, Others), End-User (Hospitals, Clinics, Others), Country (Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific) - Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026
Market Analysis: Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market
Asia-Pacific dermatology diagnostic devices market is registering a substantial CAGR in the forecast period of 2019-2026. This rise in market is attributed to preferential innovations of beauty improvement professionals and request for non-invasive cosmetic repair treatments to be establishment.
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Market Definition: Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market
Dermatology is a science dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair and nail diseases. Its includes the study, analysis and diagnosis of normal and disorders, illnesses, tumors, cosmetic and aging conditions of the skin, the weight, the hair, the nails and the oral and genital membranes and their care through various investigations and treatments, including topical and prescription medications, dermatohistopathology, dermatological, immunotherapy and dermatological cosmetic surgery.
Market Drivers
·         Preferential innovations of beauty improvement professionals  is boosting the growth of the market
·         Increasing spending on health care is propelling the growth of the market
·         Booming beauty consciousness, rising fashion awareness is driving the growth of the market
·         Request for non-invasive cosmetic repair treatments to be established is contributing to the growth of the market
Market Restraints
·         Expensive  dermatological treatments is restricting the growth of the market
·         Side effects linked to dermatological diagnosis is hindering the growth of the market
·         Stringent regulatory policies is hampering the growth of the market
Segmentation: Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market
By Product Type
·         Dermatoscopes
o    Contact Oil Immersion Dermatoscope
o    Cross-Polarized Dermatoscope
o    Hybrid Dermatoscope
·         Imaging Equipment
o    X-Ray
o    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
o    Ultrasound
o    Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
o    Others
·         Microscopes & Trichoscopes
o    Multispectral Photoacaustic Microscopy (PAM)
o    Reflectance Confocal Microscopy (RCM)
o    Raman Spectroscopy
o    Others
·         Biopsy Devices
·         Others
By Application
·         Skin Cancer
·         Others
o    Hair Removal
o    Skin Rejuvenation
o    Acne, Psoriasis & Tattoo Removal
o    Wrinkle Removal & Skin Resurfacing
o    Body Contouring & Fat Removal
o    Cellulite Reduction
o    Vascular & Pigmented Lesion Removal
o    Others
By End-User
o    Hospitals
o    Clinics
o    Others
By Country
·         Japan
·         China
·         India
·         South Korea
·         Australia
·         Singapore
·         Malaysia
·         Thailand
·         Indonesia
·         Philippines
·         Rest of Asia-Pacific
Key Developments in the Market:
·         In June 2019, HC2 Holdings, Inc., a diversified holding company, announced that R2 Dermatology, which is a privately held operating business under HC2's Pansend Life Sciences division, has signed a strategic partnership arrangement with Huadong Medicine Firm Limited.  In exchange for equity investments in R2, Huadong (USD 6 billion market cap equivalent) would receive exclusive distribution right to R2 Dermatology products in China and other Asia-Pacific region.
·         R2 Dermatology has developed medical devices to treat esthetic and normal skin conditions.
·         In May 2019 CALECIM Cosmeceuticals, a wholly owned subsidiary of the biotechnology group CellResearch Corporation (CRC), has formed a significant alliance with A. Menarini Asia— Pacific Holdings Pte. Ltd. (Asia-Pacific Menarini).
·         The Multi-Year Agreement includes sales and marketing of CALECIM goods in six of the biggest skincare markets in the mainland China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia, extending CALECIM's global reach to more than 1.7 billion people.
·         CALECIM ® and Menarini Asia-Pacific have collaborated to put the brand's broad range of products, including technologies produced from start to finish in Singapore, into the hands of consumers across the country.
Competitive Analysis:
Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of Dermatology Diagnostic Devices market for Asia-Pacific
Key Market Competitors:
Few of the major market competitors currently working in the Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market are, Welch Allyn, CANON MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Siemens Healthcare Private Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific., Heine Optotechnik, FotoFinder Systems, Inc., Medical Imaging Systems, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Leica Microsystems, Solta Medical,, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Nikon Corporation, MAVIG GmbH. , Michelson Diagnostics Inc., Bruker ,   among others.
Request for Toc@https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=asia-pacific-dermatology-diagnostic-devices-market
Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market Size, Status and Forecast 2018 – 2025
1 Market Overview
2 Manufacturers Profiles
3  Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  Sales, Revenue, Market Share and Competition by Manufacturer
4  Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  Market Analysis by Regions
5 North America Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  by Countries
6 Europe Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  by Countries
7 Asia-Pacific Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  by Countries
8 South America Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  by Countries
9 Middle East and Africa Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  by Countries
10  Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  Market Segment by Type
11  Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  Market Segment by Application
12 Global Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices  Market Forecast
13 Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers
14 Research Findings and Conclusion
15 Appendixes
Research Methodology: Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market
Data collection and base year analysis is done using data collection modules with large sample sizes. The market data is analyzed and forecasted using market statistical and coherent models. Also market share analysis and key trend analysis are the major success factors in the market report. To know more please request an analyst call or can drop down your enquiry.
The key research methodology used by DBMR research team is data triangulation which involves data mining, analysis of the impact of data variables on the market, and primary (industry expert) validation. Apart from this, other data models include Vendor Positioning Grid, Market Time Line Analysis, Market Overview and Guide, Company Positioning Grid, Company Market Share Analysis, Standards of Measurement, Top to Bottom Analysis and Vendor Share Analysis. To know more about the research methodology, drop in an inquiry to speak to our industry experts.
Primary Respondents
Demand Side: Doctors, Surgeons, Medical Consultants, Nurses, Hospital Buyers, Group Purchasing Organizations, Associations, Insurers, Medical Payers, Healthcare Authorities, Universities, Technological Writers, Scientists, Promoters, and Investors among others.
Supply Side: Product Managers, Marketing Managers, C-Level Executives, Distributors, Market Intelligence, and Regulatory Affairs Managers among others.
Reasons to Purchase this Report
·         Current and future of Asia-Pacific Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market outlook in the developed and emerging markets
·         The segment that is expected to dominate the market as well as the segment which holds highest CAGR in the forecast period
·         Regions/Countries that are expected to witness the fastest growth rates during the forecast period
·         The latest developments, market shares, and strategies that are employed by the major market players
Customization of the Report:
·         All segmentation provided above in this report is represented at country level
·         All products covered in the market, product volume and average selling prices will be included as customizable options which may incur no or minimal additional cost (depends on customization)
 About Us:
Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market.
Data Bridge Market Research
Tel: +1-888-387-2818
·         Global Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market – Industry Trends - Forecast to 2026
·         North America Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market - Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026
·         Europe Dermatology Diagnostic Devices Market - Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026
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diamondempp · 2 years
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just experimenting with covers 💪🏻
idk what vibe i’m getting from this but i kinda like it ?
ANYWAYS i’m making an AU so have this :P
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